(SPY, SPX, ES1!) SPDR S&P 500 ETF TRUST and Futures - Technical Analysis, Market Index!

The Standard and Poor’s 500, or simply the S&P 500, is a stock market index tracking the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on exchanges in the United States. It is one of the most commonly followed equity indices. As of December 31, 2020, more than $5.4 trillion was invested in assets tied to the performance of the index.

(SPY, SPX, ES1!) SPDR S&P 500 ETF TRUST and Futures - Technical Analysis, Market Index!

The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, also known as the S&P 500 or simply the S&P, is a stock market index that measures the performance of 500 large publicly traded companies listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ stock exchanges. The S&P 500 is one of the most widely followed and traded indices in the world, and is often used as a benchmark for the overall performance of the stock market.

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The S&P 500 was first launched in March 1957, and has since become a key player in the financial world. The index includes companies from a variety of sectors, including financial services, healthcare, technology, consumer goods, and industrials. Some of the current components of the S&P 500 include Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, and Alphabet.

The S&P 500 is a market-capitalization weighted index, which means that the value of the index is determined by the market capitalization of the companies included in the index, relative to the total market capitalization of the index. The market capitalization of a company is calculated by multiplying the company’s stock price by the number of outstanding shares.

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The S&P 500 is considered to be a broad measure of the stock market, and is often used as a benchmark for mutual funds and other investment vehicles. When the S&P 500 is performing well, it is often seen as a sign of investor confidence and economic growth, while a declining S&P 500 may signal market uncertainty or economic downturn.

In addition to the S&P 500, Standard & Poor’s also publishes a number of other indices, including the S&P MidCap 400 Index, which tracks the performance of mid-sized companies, and the S&P SmallCap 600 Index, which tracks the performance of small-sized companies. These indices provide a more detailed view of the performance of different segments of the stock market.

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The S&P 500 has a long history, and has been through many ups and downs over the years. Some of the major events that have affected the index include the Great Depression, the dot-com bubble, and the global financial crisis of 2008. Despite these challenges, the S&P 500 has continued to be a key player in the financial world, and it remains a closely watched indicator of the overall performance of the stock market.

In conclusion, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index is a stock market index that measures the performance of 500 large publicly traded companies listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ stock exchanges. It is a market-capitalization weighted index, and is considered to be a broad measure of the stock market. The S&P 500 is often used as a benchmark for mutual funds and other investment vehicles, and is closely watched by investors and analysts as an indicator of market trends and economic conditions. Despite its ups and downs, the S&P 500 has a long history and continues to be a key player in the financial world.

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we finally did it we finally did it we

got through everything we’ve covered

what we were focusing on six to six

months to a year ago we covered how it


great great as you can all see literally

to the exact penny some of these things

we showed you exactly where these major

market indexes would bounce at the

weekly 180 moving average we showed you

the exact date that mid-june area that

june 19th june 17th june 16th we told

you when it when it would happen where

it would be and again we were right here

this drop g i i i wonder i wonder who

caused this drop to happen one two three

weeks boom

everyone had the opportunity to get in

we start going crazy in the discord

start listing oh have you seen all these

great companies oh my gosh netflix

shopify all this great stuff um start

scaling into it

for great prices this flag


i also want to emphasize the flag here

because the flag appeared on spy you can

tell by the purple text green triangle

purple text green triangle over here

it was everywhere

all four of the major u.s market indexes

consisting of united states underlyings

had this flag that we told you was going

to be there that is your opportunity to

be getting out of those shorts and

moving into your longs you know i really

want to emphasize that


you had more than a month more than a

month the same thing at the top right

here let’s let’s actually mark the dates

day range boom


at the top you had 63 days of flat

sideways flagging to recognize that you

know maybe this thing’s not going to go

any higher maybe i should look at some

of the adjacent products like korea that

was also peeking out japan that was also

peeking out vea that was also peeking

out and all of which went through the

same cycle we were also talking about

how clean and direct the path was with

the s p it was not a clean path look at

this down up top down up super tough

down up tough and then down like

easy to get seasick if you didn’t have a

plan that you were sticking to no matter

what you got to be

very strict very determined very not

thrown off easily people like that the

suits like that the people with the big

money don’t want to be hanging around

the people who are in one minute and

then they’re stopped lost out five

minutes later they’re not going to be

helping you

let’s look at these time frames again

down here boom from the entrance to the

breakout you had 35 days 35 days to get

out of those shorts and start buying


everyone was aware

where are we now then


we had this

massive gain over 21


cleanly broke through that weekly 20

amazing isn’t it we have an rsi that was



at that june 16 17 19 price point the

rsi was bottoming out as we’ve just

showed you through everything we looked

at and our objective set of indicators

that we do use

that’s a buy signal that’s a buy signal

now the s p does offer a 1.4 percent

dividend which is fantastic um we like


how many times has the s p bounced off

its weekly 180. got one

that one kind of counts and there’s two

three like it never breaks below this

it’s so obvious it’s so obvious guys

where’s my uh

i miss himself in here

so let’s do a little historical analysis

on the s p since we’re staring at it

right now

as you can see we have our peaks in our

valleys i’ve marked the valleys with the

green thumbs up that’s where you should

be entering these things


march 20



right here january coin 22 what happened

gee i wonder we just covered all the

vanguard indexes should we should know

i’m back what’s up emo girl happy to

have you back appreciate you


that was a period of 651 days 651 days


and in that time it gained 120 the s p

spy spx 121 that’s a major market

indexes how much do you think the

underlyings moved how much do you think

those underlyings moved

let’s see um

dwarfed it

dwarfed it

so from this price point


was up over 500

and that in that span

where the s p ran

a hundred and twenty percent between

2020 and 2022

the it’s underlying such as snap ran

like 500 percent right because

movement in a major market index can

result in massive moves and it’s

underlying as we’ve stated time and time

again today let’s get rid of that

and it goes both ways guys um

what are we currently projecting for the

spy moving forward

so you should currently be in the spy


and we are currently projecting up to

593 600

nice round 600 the s p up to that 600

price point same can be said about spx

this car

charts a little less clean means a lot

to me though i kind of like don’t like

getting rid of old drawings because

we often talk about historical data in

these charts and how they’ve flown in

the past right i feel the same way about

my drawings right the

the drawings and the the indicators that


implemented myself also hold a lot of

value and a lot of historical data for

trades of the past

but this one again projecting right up

into that six thousand dollar price

point it’s gonna happen guys just give

it time it’s not gonna happen overnight

what did we just talk about

it it doesn’t happen overnight it

doesn’t happen in a week it doesn’t even

happen in a month but a year from now

while you’re sleeping in every day

happily holding some of the best assets

that the stock market has to offer

it’s going to be printing for you it’s

literally going to be printing for you

you just got to be there for it

look at the s p 4 hours the 4 hour 20

has been acting strongly as a support

for a lot of these major market indexes


four hour 20 boom bounce 4 hour 20 boom

bounce and these are like huge gaps up

so again maybe a good time to be

purchasing because we’re expecting

another huge gap up here soon right here

you see that you see

you see how it’s been perfectly

following this line

the 20 the objective indicators the same

indicators we apply to everything we

look at

nothing’s changed

what else should we cover

how long have we been live


three hours that’s pretty good that’s

pretty good

time is it two


just to showcase that four hour in a

little more detail


today in discord here we are talking

about the four hour 20 support bing bong

that’s where it’s at

let’s click here again

oh wrong button that’s me

eight uh june august 9th 2022 four hour

support again



boom i mean guys it couldn’t be any


it couldn’t be more accurate like i’m

just showing hit after hit after hit

right here

august 9th as you can see not edited 4

hour 20 mma support what happened after

that huge run huge run


after that day the s p was up over two

percent in a single day

it’s still up huge from that day where

is it

from august ninth boom up over 2.7

and climbing

so we got to pay attention to these

things for sure for sure


so for today

i really wanted to showcase these

indexes i mean it’s just too beautiful

not to have talked about a lot of things

we talked about today from the extremely

successful short positions we’ve taken

over the past six months to explaining

to where i’ve been

and you know enjoying my luxury of time



and then showing you guys in may how we

were right here in this candle may 23rd

three weeks this shit’s gonna be

touching support at that weekly 180

one two three

big ass drop off the biggest it is the

right here is the biggest

push down we’ve seen in the smp

throughout this whole

sixth seventh eighth eighth month eight




market we’ve had there for like six


and that was

directly objectively


getting our those entries in for


allowing everyone to get their shares

for their favorite companies at the low

it was 100 predicted we predicted it you

only witnessed it you were reactionary

we were proactive

and uh the market’s been

rewarding this you know

allowing us to get in allowing us to rot


go straight to the moon it took us right

in and up right away

no question all these

silly content creators in this pocket

like not even in the pocket they’re

[ __ ] banging their head against the

20 weekly like

um have you heard of uber

nope dead have you heard of coin but

nope you’re dead too gone

it’s just

it’s not the same


we have so many great companies

let’s just

so we covered the past six months we

covered what happened the past two weeks

where past month where everyone should

have been scaling in let’s quickly look

at the watch list again available on


i want to start covering some of these

symbols today

but we’ve been going for about three

hours and i probably got like another 30

minutes in me tops


some of the great names you could be

looking at right now

uh qqq dia you dao um

which is leverage dao there’s also

leverage qqq uh i think it’s

l can you queue something like that

social via vgk all great emerging

markets get in um


i mean it’s all here quite clearly



so many great names i might save them

for another stream though i feel like

i’ve been at this for just a while the

markets have just been

kind of mid all day you know need a way

to fill the time wait for these things

to start running again

i’m expecting that gap up on monday with

the four hour as i showed you guys and

explain to you guys count on it


you guys had any questions i’d be happy

to answer i mean this is the time to be

asking questions um

who knows

when i’ll be shipping again

i do have a lot more i would like to

talk about

On our site we have integrated a page featuring interactive charts that you can use for free and without an account by visiting this link: https://ethanwrenn.com/interactive-charts/

(SPY, SPX, ES1!) SPDR S&P 500 ETF TRUST and Futures - Technical Analysis, Market Index!

The Standard and Poor’s 500, or simply the S&P 500, is a stock market index tracking the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on exchanges in the United States. It is one of the most commonly followed equity indices. As of December 31, 2020, more than $5.4 trillion was invested in assets tied to the performance of the index.

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