That Time We Shorted (EWJ) iShares MSCI Japan ETF - Technical Analysis, Trade Recap!!

EWJ provides broad exposure to the Japanese equity market. It was the first Japan-focused ETF to launch in 1996. This ETF offers exposure to large cap Japanese stocks, making EWJ an opportunity to bet on one of the largest economies in the world that has been stuck in a low growth environment for several decades. EWJ is by far the most popular ETF option for exposure to Japanese stocks,

A Brief History of Japan

Japan is an island nation located in East Asia, with a population of over 126 million people. It is known for its rich culture and history, advanced technology, and beautiful landscapes, which have attracted travelers and tourists from around the world.

The history of Japan can be traced back to the Jomon period, which began around 14,000 BC and lasted until around 300 BC. During this time, the Jomon people lived in small, isolated communities and developed a unique culture and way of life.

In the 6th century AD, Japan was unified under the rule of the Yamato clan, and the country began to develop a centralized government and a more organized society. This period, known as the Nara period, was marked by the growth of Buddhism and the development of a strong and centralized state.

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In the 12th and 13th centuries, Japan underwent a period of political and social upheaval, known as the Kamakura period. This period saw the rise of the samurai class and the establishment of a feudal system, in which the country was ruled by powerful lords and warriors.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Japan underwent rapid modernization and industrialization, and emerged as a major global power. This period was marked by significant political, social, and economic changes, and Japan played a key role in the development of modern East Asia.

Despite its long and fascinating history, Japan faces a number of challenges in the 21st century. These include an aging population, a declining birthrate, and the impact of globalization on its economy and society. Despite these challenges, Japan remains a vibrant and dynamic country, with a rich culture and a unique identity.

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video am i going to talk

i’m in here somewhere

right now we’re looking at ewg

ewg another major market index

consisting of underlyings guess where

out of japan ewg ew it’s almost like

they made these indexes for me um

again this is japan

six months ago uptrending price channel

right you have your 180 moving average

way down here

i’m kind of covering the rsi in this

specific frame

as you can see resistance resistance


two priors so you know the lines are


right here you can see it has peaked out

at this price point before

wow it did set the new all-time high for

this index awesome

i’d rather be buying down here than up

here anyways

you can see the clear stance we were


i’d like to see

did i talk at all bro

wake up kid


wait a minute


as you can see here july 27th

the price point at the time of making

this video was 67.

we’re telling people potentially enter

short a lot we’re not just seeing

this isn’t one company

this isn’t one country this isn’t one

index but we were noticing this across

every country

every index

at this time a year ago

everything was overbought

everything was way too high it doesn’t

matter if it was crypto

how’d that go the past six months

doesn’t matter if it was major mark

indexes how’d that go doesn’t matter if

you’re a quality company like snapchat

how’d that go


a year ago is really just not the time

to be buying and we recognize this and

by recognizing this by having the

foresight by having played these ranges

because again this isn’t the first time

we’ve played ewj guess what i had bought

shares way down here when it was 46 and

i had sold them way up here when it was

70. and guess what

we sold more we shorted at the top and

get that’s what we made money on the way

down too so at the from a price point of

67 to 70

all the way down to well what was it

three weeks ago boom


what’s that

fifteen dollar share twenty dollars a

share give or take and look at the blue

line the blue line we just mentioned

what is that that is your

monthly 180 moving average what a

coincidence that it’s right there boom

you guys saw the uptrending price


right here look at this green line

slightly above the 180

right here

50 52 52

52 52 it it couldn’t be more perfect

like how it couldn’t be more perfect

exactly when the video was made boom

right down into into the sport the exact

support mentioned in the video like to

the penny to the penny it it could not

have been more accurate could not have

played out better again this didn’t

happen overnight this didn’t happen in

one month in fact it took like 12 months

people wondering like oh he just went

afk for like two months three months

like oh


what we are planning what we are doing

could not


could not possibly have made it to where

we were aiming in that short window of


you see what i’m saying these things

take time to unfold time is our most

valuable asset if we can focus on these

big time frame moves these big macro

moves we can place our trades come back

in a year from now and

clock out

that’s how that’s how you want to be

playing markets you may not

think that’s how you want to be playing

markets but you want your money to be

working for you right you don’t want to

be working

for money you want your money to be

working for you

and these big time frames are really

what people like to see

and it gives you that luxury of being

able to step away and know

that these plans are going to be in

motion and still going regardless of

whether you are streaming that day or

flipping weeklies that day like come on

now stop stop stop


so we covered two major market indexes

that three four a bunch

that again consists of underlyings

overseas all over the place this isn’t a

micro thing we’re not focusing on a

specific person we’re not harassing

anyone we’re just recognizing obvious

trends look the rsi was over

bought touching the red line you don’t

want to see that

went right down it could not have been

more of a direct path too and this your

portfolio it would have been impossible

to be seasick when playing this like how

much more of a direct path made out of

monthly candles could you have possibly

asked for

how much could you have like


even if we go and look at some of these

previous trends because again

we played here boom made money made

money played down here made money

look at how perfectly straight this is

like even this one had a little jaggy

you know touches the monthly 20 saw like

a dead cat bounce for like a month and

people are probably like oh getting all

scared you know they’re like maybe i

maybe i’m not doing something right and

they start panicking they start doubting

their plan you know

that didn’t even happen over the past

six months two years it was just


just direct

path zero stops on that flight it is a

direct flight

to from resistance to support it could

not have gone more beautifully it could

not have gone more perfect

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That Time We Shorted (EWJ) iShares MSCI Japan ETF - Technical Analysis, Trade Recap!!

EWJ provides broad exposure to the Japanese equity market. It was the first Japan-focused ETF to launch in 1996. This ETF offers exposure to large cap Japanese stocks, making EWJ an opportunity to bet on one of the largest economies in the world that has been stuck in a low growth environment for several decades. EWJ is by far the most popular ETF option for exposure to Japanese stocks,

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