That Time We Shorted (TWTR) Twitter Inc - Technical Analysis, Trade Recap!!
Twitter (TWTR) is a social media site, and its primary purpose is to connect people and allow people to share their thoughts with a big audience. Twitter allows users to discover stories regarding today’s biggest news and events, follow people or companies that post content they enjoy consuming, or simply communicate with friends.

A Brief History of Twitter
Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service based in San Francisco, California. It was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams, who saw an opportunity to create a platform for people to share short messages and updates with a large audience.
Twitter quickly gained popularity, and by 2009, it had over 100 million users. The platform was used by individuals, businesses, and organizations to share news, updates, and information in real time.
In 2010, Twitter introduced new features, such as the ability to add photos and videos to tweets, and the option to “retweet” other users’ messages. These changes helped to make Twitter more engaging and user-friendly, and the platform continued to grow in popularity.
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- Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating$50.00
- Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating$50.00
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Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating$5.00 – $9.00- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating$95.00- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating$55.00- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating$5.00 – $9.00- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating$95.00- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating$55.00- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating$5.00 – $9.00- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Rated 4.17 out of 5 based on 6 customer ratings$5.00 – $9.00
In 2013, Twitter went public and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The company continued to introduce new features and expand its reach, and by 2016, it had over 300 million active users.
Despite its success, Twitter has faced challenges in recent years. The platform has been criticized for its role in the spread of misinformation and fake news, and for its inability to effectively combat hate speech and harassment. In response, the company has implemented new policies and features to address these issues.
Overall, the history of Twitter is one of rapid growth and innovation. From its humble beginnings as a simple messaging platform, Twitter has become a powerful tool for communication and information sharing, with a global user base and a significant impact on society.
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Read Moreso let’s go into twitter again same
stream this happened this same stream
hit after hit after hit like
it’s crazy
this one we might not spend as much time
on as the last couple videos so
we’re trying to make this a little more
dense than usual
might talk here at the beginning for a
you guys probably already see where i’m
going with this one this one’s twitter
i’m gonna let you guys think and stew on
this one before i even get into it i’m
gonna be right back i’m gonna go grab
some more water but look at this chart
look at this jar and tell me if you can
identify anything let me here i’ll
change one minute
there you go and i’ll put my cursor
right here
hello again my name is ethan you can
visit my website from
there you can join my discord or you can
potentially buy a shirt if you’d like we
also have links to my various social
media sites whether it be youtube
yeah i like this guy michael follow the
following if you want to stay up to date
with the most
current information possible
right now we’re looking at twitter as
you can see we just did a whole number
on it um
this is an
another example of a company that’s not
that old also in the tech space and also
in the subdivision of
social media again this whole stream
that we filmed
october 5th 2021 was social media
oriented we started with tech then we
went to the social index and then we
started to go through the underlyings
and you’ll notice the pattern across a
wide variety of assets
not micro
not one company’s supply and demand the
world twitter has always struggled to
maintain profitability
2018 and 2019 was a bit of an anomaly
for them and
the price action kind of reflects that
as you can tell there was a gigantic
gain in between
june 2017 all the way to
relatively current date january 2021
why is this here click okay
right up here january february february
very key month always comes back to
february interesting um
you also hear me say i don’t like ipos
all that much um here’s an example of a
company that ipo’d i had an initial
public offering at a valuation that it
that was way higher than it ever should
have had at the time
still to this day are ipos happening
where they where their products are
extremely overvalued um
but if you would have bought the ipo you
would have been up 50 for about a month
or two
kind of reminds me of zoom
most ipos have this trend most ipos have
this trend here boom followed by massive
sell-off uber
coinbase all of them
ipos are dead still dead been dead but
they were dead a year ago they’re dead
don’t touch a lot of ipos doing that
these days
that being said it’s been a very long
time since this ipo over three to five
years as we were saying earlier
we’ve had time to see its price action
see how it behaves with certain tickers
as you can see right now
we’re looking at the weekly
has been and
and and still kind of is
at this price point that is um
involving high risk
how can i visually show this let’s see
here um
if you were to be entering this company
right now your risk reward relationship
would be heavily skewed to the risk side
it’s not ideal this is not a good entry
for a company like this
as you can see there’s a prior
resistance here 20 january 2014.
this is what helped us identify that
this could potentially make a great
short moving forward um
and as you can see it’s proven to be
relatively true um
we had this major push down you had your
dead cat happens it happens things don’t
move in a straight line
that’s what i was talking about earlier
when i was showing you cosby ksi ewy and
ewj it could not have been more
beautifully straight of a line like
there’s no reason to get seasick no
reason to have any headaches and no
reason to lose sleep it could not have
been more perfect but this is an example
of one that went down dead cat bounced
and everyone would have been like oh i’m
a doubter i’m a doubter who likes to
take l’s yeah okay
uh we’re gonna show the after after this
video where is it today
we’re showing you where we were six
months ago
what we’ve been doing over the past six
where we’ve been
and then where we are today
long stream today
that we can confirm this as a
bearish breakout this would be a
breakout play for people who like to
in in that manner people who look for
breakout plays this is definitely a
bearish breakout of a
pennant formation
i’m going to show you some really cool
bullish breakouts later but you got to
stay tuned guys stay tuned we’re getting
through all the past sick before we go
into the future
let’s go back to the financials twitter
twitter twitter
in 2017
they had a negative 4.42 profit margin
in 2018 they had a 39.63
problem what changed that’s a good
in uh
2019 they had a profit margin of 42.37
pretty hard to argue with that um
here we are 2020
this is corona year
can’t touch my game this is corona year
and somehow they went
not only down but like negative
the differential between 2019 and 2020
is 50
they went from positive 40 profit margin
to negative 30.5 how is that even
possible that’s so bad that is so bad
that’s a nuclear bomb right there that
is abysmal that is atrocious that is
that is bad
what happened
they’ve always kind of struggled to stay
profitable honestly the better question
how were they this profitable for these
has to be
it’s more normal for twitter to be
losing money than it is for them to be
gaining money um
they recently had purchased periscope
and then simultaneously
just ceased
all operations at periscope laying
everyone off that’s not necessarily good
people who used to stream there can’t
stream at periscope anymore
that’s not good for your community
they’re at a market cap of 46.5 billion
surprisingly relatively comparable to a
lot of the tickers we’ve looked at today
not intentional um
obviously they had a bad day alongside
facebook but it
it’s not really the day everyone’s
focused on the day oh my gosh everything
slid like five percent today because
instagram was down
i think twitter was down for a second
too maybe there was some wild stuff
happening there’s a reason why we’re
talking about technology today i want
you all to keep that in mind there’s a
reason why we’re talking about tech
today this video is not random um
as you can see for
the past two weeks have been read on
twitter but if you
look at the bigger picture we have been
bearish on twitter for quite a while now
up 28
50 until we touch uh
the 180 on the weekly and then
best case scenario 82 for the bears
that’s that play
there’s not really too much more to say
i would definitely not be buying this i
would if you have this i would
definitely be selling it um
it alongside okay okay you guys
enjoy the video
okay we just covered snapchat we saw how
abysmal snapchat went here so
my camera
where will it be a year from now
we saw the part one we saw the part two
we saw that it’s down
tremendously like ninety percent
where’s twitter today
video was made right here on this candle
right here on the candle you see it
right there
again we were in there since february
but video was made here
breaking out of the pennant you see the
pennant it’s quite obvious don’t even
need to draw the lens pennant breaks to
the downside one month two months three
months four months five six seven
pump and dump which he’s now getting
sued for
he thought he could go against us you
think you could go against me you come
to my house
on the day of my daughter’s wedding no
that fell through obviously
shook no one and uh again i lost count
one two three four five six seven eight
nine ten ten months later boom here here
we are
up fat on shorts again
now if we would have just been looking
at twitter
cool okay he landed it but you’re gonna
see this become more and more evident
all the evidence is about to stack up
it’s you have again the twitter but then
you also have
we’re about to look at facebook and when
you see all these right next to each
other again all these things were
peeking out the exact same time a year
ago the time we were saying is not a
good time to be scaling into just about
anything we were looking at the vea we
were looking at v eu vanguard we were
looking at japan cosby with korea
things don’t happen by accident
again we’re covering where we
where we left off right till next time
we’re covering where we left off six
months ago
how all those things went
and then we’re gonna get into the good
stuff the stuff you’re all waiting for
where are we now and where are we going
in the future

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That Time We Shorted (TWTR) Twitter Inc - Technical Analysis, Trade Recap!!
Twitter (TWTR) is a social media site, and its primary purpose is to connect people and allow people to share their thoughts with a big audience. Twitter allows users to discover stories regarding today’s biggest news and events, follow people or companies that post content they enjoy consuming, or simply communicate with friends.
Thank you very much for sharing, I learned a lot from your article. Very cool. Thanks.